When to Call in a Plumber for Clogged Drains


Here at Salt City Plumbers, we have seen just about every cause of clogged drains under the sun. From standard debris to large items Junior has managed to stuff down the sink, nothing surprises us anymore. It has been our experience that serious clogs lead to serious problems when homeowners attempt to handle them on their own.

Avoid Corrosive Drain Cleaners

The first thing we need to cover is corrosive drain cleaners. The chemical drain cleaners you purchase at the grocery store do work, mostly. We cannot argue with that. But they are corrosive by nature. They are not good for your drains or pipes. We strongly recommend you stay away from them.

If you absolutely must use a liquid drain cleaning product, mix up a solution of white vinegar and baking soda along with hot water. You’ll be able to clear a minor clog without risking your plumbing. If that doesn’t work, there are two other things you can try:

  • A plumbing snake (you can buy what the hardware store)
  • A toilet plunger (yes, this really does work!).

If you still cannot unclog the drain, it is time to call a plumber. An experienced plumber will use either a commercial snake or a specialized tool that forces pressurized air through the system. Unless there is something seriously wrong with your plumbing, a pro should be able to clear clogs with ease.

Persistent Clogs Need Attention

There are three reasons to go straight to a plumber for clogged drains, beginning with persistent clogs that recur on a regular basis. In other words, a clogged drain every now and again isn’t a big issue. But if your drains are clogging every week – or even worse, every day – there is something seriously wrong.

Persistent clogs could be a sign that something is stuck in your pipes. It could suggest that your discharge line is actually broken or that there is some sort of obstruction at the sewer connection.

Clogs with Sewer Backup

You probably have a serious problem if clogged drains are accompanied by sewage backup. As long as things are working properly, sewage should never back up into your house. The fact that it does indicates a problem requiring professional help. The one exception here are sewage backups following heavy rains.

When cities do not maintain their municipal sewer systems, it’s possible to experience backups even if your plumbing is in perfect condition. And if that’s the case, you have a problem with the city rather than your home.

A Persistently Wet Leach Field

The last potential problem applies only to homes on septic systems. If you experience both regular clogs and a persistently wet leach field that doesn’t seem to dry out, it’s quite possible that your septic system has reached end-of-life. If that is the case, you will notice the leach field is particularly wet right after doing the laundry or taking a shower.

Clogged drains are generally not indicative of anything serious. However, if you are experiencing any of the three problems described in this post, it would be a good idea to call in a plumber. At Salt Lake Plumbers, we have years of experience and are here to solve all your plumbing problems.The body content of your post goes here. To edit this text, click on it and delete this default text and start typing your own or paste your own from a different source.

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